
13 Things You Need To Do In Your Twenties To Massively Benefit Your Future Self

While we are in our twenties, we have an incredible opportunity to benefit our future self. This isn’t just because we’re probably making big life decisions, like the degree we will study or the person we’ll marry. It’s because the choices we make now have the potential, over the next 50+ years, to have a massive benefit. If you’ve ever...

Are You Making Time In Your Twenties To Massively Benefit Your Future Self?

With a baby on the way and the looming prospect of supporting our little family on a single income, I’ve been spending a fair bit of time recently reading personal finance books. Mostly, this has been in the hopes of finding one where the pages are stuffed with $100 bills. Alas. Invariably, the core principle of these books is that...

Do You Ever Just Hate Other People’s Success?

I do. I find myself looking at people who have the kind of success I want and thinking “they don’t deserve it,” “they aren’t even that good,” or even “think of everything I could do if I had what they had.”

What’s Stopping You From Following Your Dreams?

On the last day of your life, what will your greatest regret be? Will you wish you hadn't worked so hard? That you had stayed in better touch with your friends and family? That you’d had the courage to express your feelings?

Forget Your Weaknesses, Play Up Your Strengths

I’m not a genius or a prodigy. That’s not an attempt to win you over with my humility, it’s just a fact. But it’s actually something that took me a really long time to get my head around. Like most kids, I grew up thinking I was destined for greatness.