
How Do I Trust God With My Relationship Status? 3 Essential Steps

I remember once being given the relationship advice “run towards God as fast as you can and eventually, you’ll look to your side and find someone running there with you.” For some Christian couples, who meet in high school and get married while they’re at university, this advice is easy to follow. Their race is a 100m sprint. But what...

How To Talk To Your Partner About Past Relationships

By the time Renée and I got engaged, we’d known each other for over 10 years. We first met at high school, had dated a couple of times during that period and we remained in varying degrees of contact in the years after.

What’s The Deal With Emotional Boundaries?

If you’ve been involved with Christian dating culture for more than a week, you’ve probably heard some variation of the term “emotional boundaries,” “emotional chastity” or “guarding your heart.” Emotional boundaries are like the Loch Ness monster of Christian dating. Everyone’s heard of them, but no one knows exactly what they look like or whether they’re even a real thing.

How Do I Know If I’ve Found “The One”?

For most people, deciding who they will marry is the single most life-defining decision they will ever make. As Tim Urban points out in his blog post How To Pick Your Life Partner, “when you choose a life partner, you’re choosing a lot of things, including your parenting partner and someone who will deeply influence your children, your eating companion...

How Do I “Define The Relationship”?

In high school, we were all pros at defining the relationship. If you liked someone, you would ask him/her “do you want to go out?” This sentence didn’t literally mean “do you want to go out on a date?” That would be too straightforward. If someone said “yes” to going out, then from that moment on, they were now your...

One Month Into Marriage

I’m a married man! Just over one month ago, Renée and I stood together at the front of a tiny Catholic church in Tauranga, New Zealand. We vowed to be faithful to each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honour each other all the days of our lives.

What Matters To You, Matters To Me

When Renée and I lived in the UK, we did a lot of travel on budget airlines. There airlines were crazy cheap – you could often get a seat to Dublin, Paris or Rome for as little as $30. But the seats were randomly assigned. If Renée and I wanted to sit together, we had to pay an additional $10....