
How Do I Talk To My Partner About Porn?

When it comes to important conversations to have with your partner, there are a few obvious topics to cover – money, family, religion and so on. But one topic you might not have considered (or may be avoiding) is pornography. It’s a topic that has almost certainly impacted your partner. One study of 15-29yr olds found that 100% of the...

Where is God’s Providence Right Now?

This pandemic has really messed up my plans. These first few months of married life were meant to be all fun date nights, weekend getaways, and gradually refilling of our savings account.

11 Things To Do In Self-Isolation (That Beat Binge-Watching Netflix)

For most of my adult life, I’ve been cultivating a special kind of to-do list. On it are things like “learn a language”, “take an economics class” and “drive a motorbike across the country.” If I had to give this list a name, it would be "Things I Will Probably Never Do, But Derive Pleasure From Thinking I Someday Might."

One Month Into Marriage

I’m a married man! Just over one month ago, Renée and I stood together at the front of a tiny Catholic church in Tauranga, New Zealand. We vowed to be faithful to each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honour each other all the days of our lives.

5 Things No One Tells You About Being Engaged

147 days. That’s how long Renée and I are going to be engaged for. Less than 5 months, all up, but thank God it's not a day longer. It’s not that engagement is bad. For us, it’s been a time of sharing our lives in a deeper way and looking forward to our future together. But it’s no fairytale. Engagement...

Forget About Setting Goals This New Year

I like setting goals each New Year. I’m a Type A person and setting goals is what Type A people do. Anybody who has even skimmed through a self-help book will tell you that if you want achieve success, setting specific goals is the best way to get there. But James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, has me rethinking all of...

The 4 Characteristics of a Disciple

What does it mean to be a disciple? The twelve men Jesus originally chose were some of the most colourful, courageous and conflicted characters in the Bible. They were ordinary men – fishermen, tax collectors, political zealots – who went on to become the pillars of a worldwide movement.

Long-Distance Relationships: We Answer 6 Core Questions

For five out of the first six months that Renée and I were together, our relationship was long-distance. We lived 600km apart and only spent one weekend every month together in the same city. Long-distance relationships are tough.

3 Essentials For Staying Christian At University

I’ll never forget the beginning of my first university lecture. Standing before the class, my theology professor sombrely informed us, “by the time you finish your degree, your faith will either be stronger than ever, or non-existent.” Granted, I was studying theology – a subject directly concerned with the critical examination of religious belief. But in hindsight, I think my...

What Matters To You, Matters To Me

When Renée and I lived in the UK, we did a lot of travel on budget airlines. There airlines were crazy cheap – you could often get a seat to Dublin, Paris or Rome for as little as $30. But the seats were randomly assigned. If Renée and I wanted to sit together, we had to pay an additional $10....